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2006-06-04 11:08:45| 人氣103| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The wedding

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"I do"

"I do"

in that moment aaww..

they are couple now..

yesterday we to a wedding..

it is so nice..

i love it..

the food is so good and the restaurant just really facny..



3.main dish:chicken beans potato

4.wedding cake


dance party time..

we dance for a long time until 12:30..

i just want to say i am so tired..

i wear about 8 cm heel so after some of the songs..

i jsut took the shoses off

it is really fun

and iam really tired..

pretty much i can not move when i got home

we dance slow songs and quick songs..

it is just freaking awesome..

i love everybody..

thx for people dance with me

台長: *JaNeT*
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