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2006-05-07 00:58:05| 人氣45| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Love=never enough

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In my world in my place in my dream in my house

i can feel for me


what are we waiting for ???

for your dream man fall from the sky???

i am waiting for something who is really

love me care about me ...........

not the person who just text messages and call u..

what is turn love??

Turn love is when u say "I LOVE U forever" and never regret............

u can see how many people break up everyday............................

u can see how many people say i love u forever and regret

u can see how many people fight everyday just for samll things.........

u can see your friends always hold your friend’s grilfriend or boyfriend

u can see your boyfriend or girlfriend’s eyes has another person

u can see what is on your mind.........................................

u can see evrything but u just protect u did not see anything....

just face yourself and tell the person u love <>

not just do not answer the phone

(because is another girl or boy call u )

not answer the messahes

(because is another girl or boy text messages u )

台長: *JaNeT*
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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