MBRFix工具修復MBR很方便,先進入cmd命令窗口,然後進入mbrfix工具所在的目錄(用cd命令),然後輸入命令MbrFix /drive 0 fixmbr ,再確認一下即可。重啟以後你會發現,沒有了Linux,直接可以進入Windows了。
1.下載mbrfix.zip,解壓縮可得mbrfix.exe mbrfix64.exe 及 mbrfix.htm3個檔案
像我只有 drive 0 所以我知道Windows就該從drive 0開機 (注意,跟partition沒有關係)
如果有第二顆硬碟,那有可能是drive 1,第3個drive 2以此類推
4.在命令列中鍵入 mbrfix.exe /drive 0 fixmbr 如
註:這個版本是只能修復Win XP的,如果要修復Win 7或Vista
請下載最新版本 並鍵入
mbrfix.exe /drive 0 fixmbr /win7
mbrfix.exe /drive 0 fixmbr /vista
The program is made for Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows PE. Both 32-bit and 64-bit x64 editions are supported.
You need administrative privileges to make it work!
MbrFix /drive driveinfo Display drive information MbrFix /drive drivesize Returns drive size in MB as return value MbrFix /drive listpartitions Display partition information MbrFix /drive savembr Save MBR and partitions to file MbrFix /drive restorembr Restore MBR and partitions from file MbrFix /drive fixmbr {/vista|/win7} Update MBR code to W2K/XP/2003, Vista or Win7 MbrFix /drive clean Delete all partitions on the selected disk MbrFix /drive readsignature {/byte} Read disk signature from MBR MbrFix /drive writesignature Write disk signature to MBR MbrFix /drive generatesignature Generate disk signature in MBR MbrFix /drive readstate Read state from byte 0x1b2 in MBR MbrFix /drive writestate Write state to byte 0x1b2 in MBR MbrFix /drive readdrive Save sectors from drive to file MbrFix /drive /partition fixbootsector Update Boot code in boot sector MbrFix /drive /partition getpartitiontype Get partition type MbrFix /drive /partition setpartitiontype Set partition type MbrFix /drive /partition setactivepartition Set active partition MbrFix /drive getactivepartition Get active partition MbrFix volumeinformation driveletter Get volume information for partition MbrFix flush {driveletter(s)} Flush files to disk for partition MbrFix listpartitiontypes List partition types
Drive numbering starts on 0.
Partition numbering starts on 1.
Commands restorembr, fixmbr, generatesignature, writestate, clean, setactivepartition and fixbootsector will ask for confirmation unless /yes is included. All these commands may lead to data loss if used incorrectly or without intention.
If the /byte option is given for the readsignature command, the signature is returned as a byte array instead of as a DWORD. Writesignature requires the new signature to be specified as 8 hex digits.
If /vista is used with the fixmbr command, a Windows Vista MBR is written, if /win7 is used, a Windows 7 MBR is written instead of the default Win2000/XP/2003 MBR. The Vista or Win7 MBR should work with the other OS'es.
When fixing boot sector of a chosen partition, the wanted OS version must be specified. For now, the only valid choices are WIN98, DOS5 and DOS6.
The purpose of the fixbootsector command is to insert boot code for loading DOS from a partition created and formatted as FAT using the Windows 2000/XP/2003 tools, since those tools inserts boot code for loading NTLDR.