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2005-07-08 14:44:15| 人氣66| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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JA's foreword: This is picked from my mid-year exam's English paper...I must mention that this won't be my best effort...but let's hope that can keep u tight...

“What happened? Where am I?” I stood up from where I was lying, and found myself deep in the woods. My head was throbbing in pain as all the flashbacks came flooding into my mind.
That was when I remembered what had happened. I was joining the Gunung Boh Geh Camp for an expedition to explore the jungle at the foot of the mountain. We were cutting our way through the clearing near the waterfall, when suddenly all my friends had disappeared from sight. Am I lost? I remembered walking around the woods for hours, and the strength of my body waning. Probably that is why I collapsed.
As the pain of my head was fading away, I reluctantly grabbed my bag and started walking away. I was already so exhausted and all my food and water had run out. A dim light glowed outside the canopy of leaves, and I knew darkness will arrive soon. Where will I stay? What will be my dinner? I thought restlessly while my leg kept on walking. I had heard of tigers roaming some of the areas at the foot of the mountain, and in the shadow, I could see a few pair of eyes staring at me hungrily, and I could almost hear faint footsteps pattering away. The dense and eerie jungle kept my heart pounding so loudly.
The sun had reluctantly left me, and I knew in a matter of minutes, total darkness will enclose me. It was then I suddenly saw, some strange-looking huts just somewhere in front of me. Eventually, my spirit brightened and I ran quickly to the small village.
I was happy to find about six people living there. They were wearing costumes made of straw and their hairstyle looked quite retro and old-fashioned. The women’s hair looked like as if someone had thrown a bomb to their head in the cartoons, because they were so funny-looking! And there were also ornaments hanging on their neck while they looked like they were made of animal teeth.
I stood there for awhile, until suddenly one of them saw me and waved to me. I thought it was welcomed, so I went to them.
I was surprised that they could speak English even though they were native people. They told me to rest in their place, because when darkness comes, many creatures will roam around the jungle and it will be dangerous to be out there. They also told me that dinner will be coming soon. I was so relieved to find them.
I sat at a corner while they started the fire. Then they started to sing songs in their own tongue and dancing around the blazing fire. Then they became to scream loudly while looking above. It looked like they were worshipping their gods in a ritual. It was only then, I saw tings that freaked me out.
They had sharp fangs instead of human teeth. I started to pass it out as they may not have brushed their teeth living in the jungle. But I knew something was not right. They started to mumble in soft voice, and giving me cold stares. I knew they were talking about me. Their eyes glowed eerily in the darkness, and they looked really frightening. Their stares and mumbles were haunting my mind and they started to cackle madly. The silence of the woods and the cold, ugly faces that were in front of me were certainly giving me a clue that these people’s minds were twisted.
Suddenly, they sprang to me quickly and tried to grab me into the fire. My instincts came to my mind and I quickly flashed out something I did not show them yet—a parang knife. The knife slashed onto one of them, and instantly, I saw a revolting sight. Blood and intestines went sprawling on the floor, and the most horrible thing that happened was that the other five natives scrambled to their dying partner, and started chewing on the intestines lying on the jungle floor! They didn’t care at their screaming partner, and hungrily tossed their partner’s ‘belongings’ into their mouths!
I quickly ran for my life, and they knew it! They chased after me as if I was a mouse and they were all cats! I knew I will be no match to them in here, as they knew their jungle very much.
Suddenly, I heard the sound of running water, and in the darkness, I could see a river running just beside me. Then I remembered that the expedition team will be pitching the tents near the waterfall, and I quickly raced to the higher ground where the waterfall should be. The natives were close behind, carrying spears and started throwing the spears to me! Luck was on me, and I managed to dodge from their weapons.
I could see light in front of me, and I could see too, the camp with all my friends there. Quickly, I raced to them screaming for help. As I was near to the camp, the natives quickly disappeared in sight.
My friends were happy to see me, as they told me that they had been searching for me the whole day. It was then, the leader of the expedition, Mr. Alan Robinson asked me what had happened, and I told him all that I saw.
He stood silently, watching the water gushed down the mighty waterfall beside our camp, and said to me, “They are cannibals. I don’t even know they still exist. A lot of years ago, my grandfather once told me that he was a British military officer governing this place in the early 20th century. He said he had encountered these man-eating natives. He captured them and started to teach them the way of human, and even teaching them to learn English! But these people were so stubborn, in the prison they started to eat some of their sick relatives! My grandfather killed all of them, or so he thought,”
All of us shuddered in fright, and I was relieved not to be the next dinner of these people. That also explained why so many disappeared in this forest although it looked so harmless in the broad daylight.

台長: Jake Asher
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