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2008-02-05 03:36:29| 人氣75| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

絲絨左輪”You Got No Right”

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You Got No Right(你沒那權力!)

Fell through the ice(感覺像是穿越過冷若冰霜)
She won’t be coming back again(她是永遠都不會再回頭的了)
It never wins to lie(謊言是絕對無法獲勝的)
She said you’ll never have no rights(她說你根本沒那權力)

I’ve took it farther on the outside(我已經將觸角更加地往外伸展)
I’ve took it nearly to the brink(我已經離邊緣更進了些)
And if you’ve seen me on the outside(而倘若你已見到在外頭的我)
You would have barely seen me breathe(你會幾乎不敢看到我在呼吸)

Funny right here I find myself(但可笑的是-我卻發現我身在此處)
Inside a paper cup(就在個紙杯裡)
Without a warning or a reason it’s a treason(毫無警訊抑或是個背叛的理由)
With no answer(也沒個答案)

You got no right(你根本沒那權力!)
To keep me waiting here(要硬留我在這兒守候著)
You got no right(你真的沒那權力!)
To keep the pain in here(將苦痛給留在這兒)
That holds the crown(握住那勝利王冠的苦痛)

And if I fall apart on the outside(而假使我四散在外頭)
(You really don’t believe me)(你是真真確確不會相信我的)
And if I take it to the brink(假使我將一切帶往邊際)
And if I fall apart on the outside(而假使我四散在外頭的話)
(You really don’t believe me) (你是絕絕對對不會相信我的!)
You would have barely seen me breathe(你會幾乎不敢看到我還在呼吸!)

And if I meet you out tonight(倘若我今晚在外頭與你相見)
Will you be loving me forever(你仍會永遠愛我嗎?)
It’s always over after the night(夜幕一收,所有的一切終將結束)
It’s always colder after the night(夜幕一收,一切的一切總更顯寒冷)
I broke through the ice(我穿越那冷若冰霜)
She won’t be coming back again(她是不會再回首的了)
It’s been a year and a night(已經過了365個晨昏──還有一個夜晚)

台長: JACK
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