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2004-01-09 14:24:00| 人氣259| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My First Love ^-^

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My First Love ^_^

We've been lovers for a couple of years; however, recently we seldom phone each other. It seems our feelings are not that strong as before.

I tried to ask her why, but she just kept mouth zipped. I really don't know what to do; you cannot force somebody to love you, after all.

One of my friends told me that she is having a close relationship with another guy. I could hardly believe it, and I don't want to face the dilemma, only because of loving her so much.

Finally I find out that guy is an M.B.with the financial condition of his family. How could a third-rated college student like me be compared with?

I couldn't fall asleep for knowing this. How I wish we were still together!
After long consideration, I decide to give her an apple a day.

The essential reason is I do believe ------

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!


台長: JACK
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