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2010-11-05 23:24:19| 人氣1,194| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

音樂欣賞!!Selena Gomz:Magical

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Selena Gomez-Magical

Just drive I'm sick of talking
We know where this is going
I'm done, take me home
I can't wait forever for you to get
Yourself together, I rather be alone

I'm so tired of pretending
Just want a happy ending

Wish I could put a spell on you
Wish I could make you feel like I do
Wouldn't that be sweet? So magical

Wish I could blink and wave a wand
Get everything that I ever wanted
And put a spell on you, make it all come true

You taught me what I know
Guys like you come and go
But I know things can change
See my heart, maybe broken
But that won't stop me hoping

Wish I could put a spell on you
Wish I could make you feel like I do
Wouldn't that be sweet? So magical

Wish I could blink and wave a wand
Get everything that I ever wanted
And put a spell on you, make it all come true

I just wanna know what we should've done
When I figured out what we could've become
'Cause I know in my heart I know I'm not over you

I just wanna go back and try it again
Turn back the time, this isn't the end of us
It isn't the end of us, it isn't the end of us, whoa

Wish I could put a spell on you
Wish I could make you feel like I do
Wouldn't that be sweet? So magical

Wish I could blink and wave a wand
Get everything that I ever wanted
And put a spell on you, make it all come true

Wish I could put a spell on you
Wish I could make you feel like I do
Wouldn't that be sweet? So magical

Wish I could blink and wave a wand
Get everything that I ever wanted
And put a spell on you, make it all come true


Youtube 網址: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGvCCD5w7Ak



Selena Gomez

台長: Do yourself!!
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