義大利有句諺語是這麼說的:“Una volta assaggiato il caffè italiano, nonse ne vuole più toccare nessun altro tipo.”『一旦嚐過義大利的咖啡,你將不想再碰其它咖啡了!』義大利和咖啡的淵源可追溯至16、17世紀,在威尼斯港口與北非、埃及貿易的蓬勃發展之下,咖啡得以引進義大利,當時天主教認為其是伊斯蘭酒,即魔鬼飲料,而試圖禁止,但羅馬教皇品嚐後認為可以飲用,並在1600年為咖啡洗禮,從此咖啡被廣泛接受,進而風靡整個歐洲。時至今日,咖啡已經和義大利人生活息息相關密不可分;從早晨醒來喝一杯咖啡開啟新的一天,中餐晚飯後喝上一杯幫助消化,工作學習期間用咖啡提振精神,和朋友同事小聚又在bar裡享用咖啡,平均一天下來喝上十幾二十杯是很正常的,和其它國家不一樣的是:義大利的咖啡文化來得更為濃郁些。首先可以從他們的主打咖啡–Espresso中窺見一番,espresso是義式濃縮咖啡,以熱水藉由高壓沖過研磨成很細又密實的咖啡粉末後萃取出來的咖啡,小小一杯,味道香濃又強勁,喝得也快,二三口便能飲盡,之後伴隨的是無盡的甘醇回味。
如今風靡世界的咖啡都是以濃縮咖啡為基底所變化調和出來的,在義大利點咖啡並不難喲!1.濃縮咖啡 un caffè espresso ( per favore, grazie! 請,謝謝! ) 2.卡布奇諾 una tezze( 1杯 ) di cappuccino是牛奶、奶泡和濃縮咖啡各佔1/3混合而成,上方的奶泡讓咖啡持久溫熱香濃 3.瑪奇雅朵 macchiato ( 被玷汙 ) 咖啡和牛奶互相被玷汙≠=latte( 拿鐵、牛奶咖啡,1/3濃縮咖啡加2/3牛奶;外國人的說法 ) 4.維也納咖啡( 鮮奶油咖啡,臺灣很多咖啡廳翻成"康寶藍" ) caffè con panna 濃縮咖啡上方擠上一坨鮮奶油 5.烈酒咖啡 caffè corretto ( 修正後的 ) = caffè al liquore ( 烈酒通常加的是白蘭地或威士忌 ) 6.冰濃縮咖啡 caffè shakerato( 搖出來 ) 7.冰咖啡 caffè freddo ( 冰 ) = caffè americano ( 美式 )義大利人很少喝冰咖啡,他們認為咖啡就是要喝熱的( caldo ) 8.濃的濃縮咖啡( 水較少 ) caffè restretto;淡的濃縮咖啡( 水較多 ) caffè lungo (長) 9.低咖啡因的咖啡 decaffeinato ( 不如不喝! ) 10.摩卡奇諾 moccaccino (“摩卡咖啡”有加巧克力粉或巧克力醬的咖啡和“卡布奇諾”的混合 )。下次就可以正確地點出自己想喝的咖啡了吧!

來到義大利羅馬千萬別錯過行家才知道萬神殿旁的"鹿角咖啡館Caffè Sant Eustachio"。
Caffè Sant Eustachio is Rome’s most famous coffee house, located in the heart of Rome, around the corner from the Pantheon. It is considered by many locals to serve the best coffee in the city. The coffee bar opened its doors in 1938 and the present owners have had it since 1999. The original floors and decorations have never been changed and the coffee is still roasted in the old-fashioned manner. It serves a unique blend that was prepared in a wood-fired roaster. Little has changed over the decades; it is still a small hole-in-the-wall and roasts its beans and prepares its coffee in the same way. The beans are obtained through fair trade cooperatives.
The recipe and process are closely guarded. The espresso machine is shielded from view like top secret technology. The owners say that it's a combination of things that make the coffee so good: water from the ancient aqueduct, the correct pressure of the machine, the blend and roast of the beans, and the skill of barista, along with the secret creamy sweetener they put into the cup. It all combines for a perfect pick-me-up in a truly Roman setting. Senators, secretaries, and tourists mingle together in this tiny joint, which is named for the 1000-year old church in the piazza of the same name.
Address: Piazza Sant Eustachio, 82, Rome. 

(Le café de Ethiopia Star Harra et le gâteau aux pignons au jus de citron et à la vanilla."衣索比亞哈拉摩卡咖啡"+"松子香草檸檬磅蛋糕"。)
特性 : 酒酸,質感厚重,潤滑伴有清淡的果香,豐富平衡。淺烘焙(清香):香氣屬於茉莉花香,酸質細微,口感較為單薄有些許花茶的感覺,有近似白袖子的甜,此烘焙度花香氣十分顯著,喝一口咖啡後用手封住杯口數秒後再把滿杯的花香吸入很棒;中烘焙:可可的香氣,酸質極小,口感有發酵茶的茶香順口,甜味入口是巧克力甜後端,湧現一波波的花草酸,此烘焙度甜味取勝;重烘焙:苦巧克力味濃郁,酸質無,倒有葡葡酒的黏稠感,有巧克力的香氣及葡葡酒香交錯混合。
(1)多功能的火山沃土:安堤瓜境內就有三大火山 Acatenango(目前本火山已經獨立為瓜地馬拉第8個產區),Fuego and Agua Volcanoes,其中Fuego—是活火山,活躍的能力長帶給安堤瓜咖啡區肥沃的火土外,還有獨特的"火山浮石",是火山岩漿噴出後的冷卻物,具有多孔性與隔熱性質,非常適合在土壤裡保溼,因為安堤瓜區是7大產區雨量最少的,咖啡生長非常需要足夠的水分,這裡的火山浮石的保溼能力,恰巧可彌補雨量不足,同時生長的咖啡果更具獨特的產區風味。
Chocolate, smoke and spice flavors lace Guatemala's famous "Antigua coffee". It's medium body, unique flavor and powerful aroma will please any coffee drinker. With a wonderfully sweet and honeyed character, intensified by notes of spice and chocolate and a bright white grape acidity, Guatemala Antigua Coffee is one of experts’ favorite brews. Grown in the Highlands of the Antigua District of Guatemala, this fragrant coffee is one of the most flavorful and nuanced coffees in the world. Antigua (Spanish for "old").
Huehuetenango, at the foot of the Cuchumatanes, the highest non-volcanic mountain range in Central America, is one of the best regions in Guatemala for coffee production. In Huehuetenango, currents of hot air sweeping up from the isthmus of Tehuatepec cross paths with cool air descending from the Cuchumatanes Mountains, allowing the cultivation of coffee at altitudes up to 1,900 meters, with the best product coming from the higher altitudes. Huehuetenango is in the northwest of Guatemala, on the border with Mexico. It is primarily a mountainous region,with altitudes ranging from 850 to 3,700 meters, though the region has an extraordinary variety of ecosystems (from subtropical forest to pine thickets). The indigenous population, the majority of the local inhabitants, descends from various Maya tribes, including the Mam, the Akatecas, the Chuj, the Q’anjobal and the Jacaltecas, each of which has a distinct language and culture. Their historic isolation from the Guatemalan population and the inter national coffee prices crisis of the early 2000's have made the indigenous in habitants of Huehuetenango among the poorest in Central America. Coffee is practically a monoculture in Huehuetenango and the local economy depends on its export. The only means of escaping this damaging situation is through diversification: developing high-end quality coffees and introducing other products (hot peppers, anise, vegetables) in areas that are not so suitable for growing coffee.