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男人保健Test HD, Hardcore Testosterone Booster, 90 Rapid-Release Caplets比較便宜

Muscletech, Test HD, Hardcore Testosterone Booster, 90 Rapid-Release Caplets

gnc maca

  • New

  • PerformanceSeries

  • Boosts Free Testosterone in 7 Days1

  • Increases Total Testosterone2

  • 100 mg Shilajit

  • 100 mg Boron Citrate

  • 50 mg Stinging Nettle

  • 250 mg Tribulus

  • Dietary Supplement

  • Results Based on Core Ingredient Testing

If you're serious about performance and results, you need the All-New MuscleTech Performance Series!

  • No Proprietary Blends

  • No Fillers

  • No Underdosed Key Ingredients

  • No Hype

  • No Banned Substances

  • No Exceptions

Just the Most Powerful Formulas Available

Hardcore Testosterone Booster

The key ingredients in Test HD have been shown to significantly increase testosterone levels. Test HD requires no cycling on and off and is formulated with scientifically researched ingredients such as shilajit and boron. Test HD also contains other well known ingredients including stinging nettle root, tribulus, velvet bean and zinc.

  • Boost Free Testosterone in 7 Days

1 Test HD is formulated with a concentrated and powerful dose of boron that is shown in human clinical research to increase free testosterone and decrease estradiol in just 7 days. Free testosterone is the most active form of testosterone and is critical for initiating the muscle building process.

  • Increases Total Testosterone

Test HD is the first hardcore testosterone booster to include a clinical-strength dose of shilajit, a rare organo-mineral compound obtained from steep rocks of different formations found in the Himalayas and other high mountains.

2 This powerful test-boosting compound is shown in a human clinical study to significantly increase total serum testosterone levels as documented after 90 days.

The same shilajit ingredient is studied and documented to boost ATP blood levels/concentration in just 15 days. ATP is the cellular energy used by the body and is real energy, unlike perceived energy that occurs with CNS stimulants.

  • No PCT Required

This potent formula works with the body to naturally increase testosterone levels while staying within the normal healthy range.

Unlike the competition, Performance Series products contain superior key ingredients in clinically dosed amounts that are fully disclosed so yo know exactly what you are paying for.

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【美國原裝】Muscletech, Test HD, Hardcore Testosterone Booster, 90 Rapid-Release Caplets直送台灣哪裡買?




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