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2006-07-04 22:28:36| 人氣101| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

What planet are you from

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I’d like to commend a television play..
it’s name is --What planet are you from--
(I think it’s name’s grammer was wrong..
It should be --Which planet are you from--,.
I do think so..maybe I was wrong..)

I’m watching this play this couple days..
It really worth watching.!!
The most important thing is..
my dear Ms.Hu is watching it too.!!!
OH~~how nice it is.!!..High die me..~~

I’m begining a big big plan..
A big plan about watching the DVDs..
Hah..How great my plan it is.!!!


台長: 「.bǒss.&!


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