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Talisman Centre

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Training, fitness, healthy lifestyles, competition,and personal bests. A leader in the sport and recreation industry. Talisman Centre represents all of these goals and more. Calgary is one of the most active, vibrant cities in Canada—and Talisman Centre is the hub of that energy. First opened in 1983, Talisman Centre has become the second most widely visited multi-sport facility in North America through innovative programming and leading-edge technology.

Whether customers choose to be active in the pools, gyms, tracks, circuit training, drop- in classes, athletic development, weight room, or personal training, the core of the non-profit organization is its participants.

Calgary is known for its energy, enthusiasm, and athleticism—join us at Talisman Centre and experience the joy of active living for yourself!

台長: Clifford H.
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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