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2007-05-18 00:33:52| 人氣287| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Catch and Release

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“Catch and Release“, I love this movie so much! Okay some part of reasons is that the male protagonist is so cute~. However, the most important reason why I like this movie is that we might meet the same situation in the reality. The one who you thought you really understand him or her; in fact, you don’t. You do not know every thing of him or her. Gray, the female protagonist, lost her fiancé right after their engagement. This bad news must be a tremendous stroke but be another chance for her to understand another man, who has been regarded Mr.Yammy and never considers to have a serious relationship with ONE woman. What’s happened between her and her passed-away fiancé? His fiancé had sustained another relationship with the other woman far away in Los Angeles for more than 6 years, but Gray never knows that and she still firmly believed that she knew her bride quite well and her bride will love her and only her death-do-us-part. Then a sudden call violated her belief meanwhile gave her another chance to re-search her life and to think what kind of man she exactly needs. At the beginning, Gray was tortured and just wanted to pull her fiancé out of the tomb and asked him why he did this to her. In this time, Frizt made up the worst story to Gray. He said her fiancé only did once at Halloween night in his business trip in Los Angeles, but in fact her fiancé met the woman during their relationship and not only DID once instead several times when he had a business trip in Los Angeles. They even had a four-year-old boy, no matter this kid is biologically connected with her passed fiancé, this news like a blade penetrating their love and Gray’s heart. Finally before the funeral, Grey, her fiancé’s best friends, that woman, Morin and her kid had a nice fishing day in the last. They took this fishing trip to memorize Grady (Gray’ fiancé). After experiencing so many things, each of them finally find what they want and also give themselves another chance to pursue what they have been eager for. Gray decided to give up her job and her house; instead, he drove to Los Angeles to find Frizt, the guy she originally hated so mush. At last , she found that Frizt probably is the only man who is the most honest to his romance. He definitely is not the perfect one, but he realizes what he wants and knows what he does.

Maybe in the past I always tried to search a perfect man who can take care of me and love me as he never has love anyone like this before. However, compared with a man who might not be Mr. take-care-of-all-things but he rather shares with you everything. A man may not make you happy all the time but he just wants you to accompany with him no matter life is bitter or sweet. He knows what makes you cry and what makes you laugh but he still tries to tell you everything even though it will turn your fairy tale into miserable tragedy. He is still brave enough to tell you truth and stands on your side whenever you need him. Maybe this man is not as cute as a movie star but he has bravery and true love in reality. Let me in his arms and feel sense of security and content. And this movie is just for my future-to-be man and this son just for the man whom I loved before. Even though some heartbroken memories still hurt me sometimes but I would rather to keep some happy memories in my mind. In the past, we usually made up some beautiful dreams when we enjoyed the sunset and just sat there held each other’s hand and did nothing. As you whispered near my ear ”Time was our common rival because we just stole time from God and we knew some day God will ask us to pay it!” Now I would like to answer you ”When you are gone, reasons gone with you, then fantasy is my king, sould and all. Release might be unbearable but it also suggests that another fantastic journey just starts in my life. In this life, we had released our hands to other people but we might catch each other’s heart in another life.

作詞:方文山 作曲:黃韻玲 編曲:鍾興民 演唱:藍又時

窗外風鈴一直不安靜 風在搖晃不安的宿命
我聆聽 你回憶經過的聲音

開始旅行寂寞很清醒 我在靠近過去的邊景
有些 戀人只是 路過時的風景

曾經太過年輕 卻絕對真心
我給的愛是種任性 不懂花開只一次的愛情
曾經太過年輕 淚純真透明
你的堅定 我仍然還 相信

我一直都收藏著 摺疊用心 讓誓言乾淨

曾經太過年輕 在人海飄零
那些關於我的事情 總有你緊緊跟隨的聲音
曾經太過年輕 淚純真 透明
你的堅定 我仍然還 相信

台長: peace & love
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