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Brief Introduction of Coal Mine Process in Columbia

Columbia Coal Mine Process Brief Introduction

Colombia has been the world’s leading exporter of emeralds. It also produced a significant amount of gold (ranking second in the region), was Latin America’s only producer of platinum and third-largest producer of cement, and was a leading producer of nickel. In 2002, cement, gold, coal, and emeralds were among the country’s leading industries, and petroleum and coal were, respectively, the first- and third-leading export commodities. Colombia also produced sizable amounts of common clay, kaolin, dolomite, gypsum, limestone, hydrated lime and quicklime, magnesite, nitrogen (content of ammonia), rock and marine salt, sand, gravel, marble, feldspar, phosphate rock, and sodium compounds (sodium carbonate), as well as small quantities of sulfur (native, from ore), asbestos, bauxite, bentonite, calcite, diatomite, fluorite, mercury, mica, talc, soapstone, prophyllite, dolomite, and zinc.

The coal mining project is the largest operation in Latin America, Carbones del Cerrejón Norte. The coal project was developed by a joint venture between the Colombian state organisation, Carbones de Colombia (Carbocol) and Intercor, a subsidiary of the US energy company, ExxonMobil.mineral impact crusher:http://www.hx-crushers.com/p4.html

After topsoil stripping, overburden is drilled, blasted and loaded out either to permanent waste dumps or for backfill. Coal seams are prepared for mining by surface cleaning using rubber-tyred bulldozers then ripping or drilling and blasting in harder material. The big coal then was crushed to –50mm in a two-stage crushing process. The coal crushing plant has a capacity of 3,500t/h with crushed coal being conveyed into the two loadout silos.

In the Colombia coal mining project, crusher has offered two-stages coal crushing plants. The core equipment are coal crushers which include PE jaw crusher s and PC hammer crushers. All the coal crushers are adjustable in the input sizes, finished sizes and capacity.

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