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Quiz for Day 4

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Quiz for Day 4(1/26)

Part I: Match

1)Beaver, 2)hills,     3)King of Men,  4)Prince,  5)rivers,
6)servant, 7)Son of Adam,  8)Swiss Chocolate, 9)Tumnus, 10)Turkish Delight

1. The Queen addressed Edmund as _____.
2. The Queen softened her attitude and get Edmund enchanted _____  to eat.
3. The Queen told Edmund that she would make him the _____ of
4. The Queen’s castle lied between two little _____.
5. While Edmund was talking to the Queen, Lucy was having lunch
 with _____.

Part II: Identify the speaker of the following quote

"It would be fun to keep it a surprise for them, wouldn’t it? Make it
  a surprise for them."

Part III: Answer the following essay question in English (better) or Chinese.

1.Why did the Queen change her attitude toward Edmund when she knew
  that he came from the world of men?

台長: *hope*
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

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