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2007-05-22 12:36:11

i bleed it out dig it out just to throw it away

Linkin Park – Bleed It Out YEAH HERE WE GOR FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME Hand grenade pins in evey line Throw ’em up and let something shine GOING OUT OF MY FUCKING MIND Filthy mouth, no excuse F...

2007-03-16 15:52:52


Everything in life is subjective suchn a mulidimensional concept yet so deliciously simple I’m trying to grasp the base Once I do You will see my dimples a whole lot more

2007-03-14 11:30:24

masks, strangers, and new revelations

I’ve learnt something that I should of learnt a long time ago. A friend is a friend only if there is no consequence. They support you, but through their facade, they hope your triumphs won’t be ...

2006-12-30 11:08:26

I fight to free myself

All around me I see HaTE, the DEprESSEd, a multitude of pessimists their influence is unavoidable they disregard sex, race, culture Humans in misery, gappling, climbing the corpses of their pe...

2006-09-21 11:33:15

flying down the hill on a clear sunny day

This road is for me to walk only, i hold my head up high, not worrying about the scenary: it’s all a meaningless blur. My goal is straight ahead, in plain sight.... all I have to do is reach it. I...

2006-09-19 13:23:25

When i stand alone, listening to the rain

Grey skys.....I step outside, life becomes smoke, smoke becomes a haze.... haze turns into apathy...... apathy turns into ignorance, ignorance creates forgetfulness........ mingled with that beaut...

2006-09-04 08:28:05

What I learned from my hatred

You had every right to belittle me, to denounce me, I deserved it.....it was my wrong. But instead of making me feel defeated and worthless, you have strengthened my resolve. I will learn from my ex...

2006-08-16 10:37:14

a tiny amount of irony

I had a lot of stuff I wanted to write about last week, lots of thoughts racing through my mind that i wanted to express....... but pc home was down for that one week...... hm....... and now i forg...

2006-07-26 15:37:19


往飛機窗戶外 睜開眼睛 感覺一片灰 仔細看有房子 房子裡的人 忙著努力跟隨 一個找不到 真正快樂的童話 他們的麻木 讓我好害怕 是不是這個世界的希望 已被吸走 *突然一閃一閃亮晶晶  我看見夢裡的水...

2006-07-02 07:32:20


fear-jealousy-anger-envy-self pity all replaced by iron clad ambition remember my name

2006-04-23 13:07:49


people who are relgious doesn’t make them kind hearted; those who are apethetic doesn’t automatically make them superficial what we are is defined by what we do, spirituality is merely something ...

2006-03-22 15:43:41


It’s not where we come from that is significant, it’s what we do that defines us, makes us grow

2006-03-08 12:20:45

down down down

What’s good becomes bad, what’s bad remains bad,my life spirals in a neverending funnel where the result is inevitable. ps: Family to me is as important to me as I am to them which equals to not...

2006-03-05 15:56:43

dog scrap

Come for your self indulgence as you fight to shed away your morality, first come first served basis

2006-02-21 11:15:01


i want to go I wAnt tO go i want gO please let me LEAVE pLEASE LET ME GO Please please please let me go i want to go I wAnt tO go i want gO please let me LEAVE pLEASE LET ME GO Please please please le...

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