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Students Should Reduce Work Hour or Part-Time Work.

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Sr. Lelia Horkans

Persuasive Speech
(April 11, 2005)

Students Should Reduce Work Hour or Part-Time Work. (Final Draft)

-Monroe's Motivated Sequence-

"Why are you in college?" "Why are you opening a text-book?" "Why are you looking at a blackboard?" Because you are studying in a college, that was your decision.

More and more college students are now holding jobs in order to pay for college or to survive financially while in school. Some students work until midnight. Some students work long hours during the day. By doing this, you will start to feel tired and deprived of sleep little by little.
So, you will be a badly affected from a part-time job.
Do you often become sleepy in a class? If you have a part-time job and are tired and lack sleep, you will probably fall asleep in class. According to a survey from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, "Sleeping a shorter amount of time has shown to increase factors such as anxiety and stress, which have been associated with academic performance. These factors cause students problem by causing shortened attention span and also increasing the number of errors students make on tests."

My solution is that you reduce your hours of work or part-time work.

Getting a good grade is important. However, its not only the letters "A+, A, A-." what matters. Getting a good grade means that you concentrated, that you studied hard and that you gained valuable knowledge.

If you often fall asleep in class, if you often lose concentration, if you often cannot even try to think in a class, you will not remember anything of the subject. However, you already paid tuition. If so, "why did you take that class?" "Why did you take that course?" There is no sense for you to study and have a part-time job.

Think of this. This is Opportunity Cost. Opportunity Cost is that best alternative that you must give up when choosing between two appealing options. For instance, you have 24 hours a day. You need to study for 4 hours a day, divided in 2 hours for class, and 2 hours for homework in order to complete your degree in 4 years. In order to study well you have to rest. For this, you need to sleep at least 8 hours. In order to pay school and survive you have to work say, for 6 hours. You are already commuting for at least 2 hours, and you need to rest and be with friends for 2 hours, and you spend 2 hours eating. But studying by yourself for only 2 hours would mean that you wouldn’t develop your understanding of each subject. You will read only few pages of a text-book. If you continue to do this, your grade and knowledge will obviously decline. You will give up knowledge.

In contrast, if you work only 4 hours, you can have 6 hours to study. Even if you spend 2 hours for recreation, you can study 4 hours per day. If you continue to do this for a week, you will have 28 hours of study. If you really concentrate studying for 28 hours, your grade and knowledge will be increased. If you really understand that to dedicate time for studying is important, you will know, which option you should forfeit.

Therefore, if you want to do well at school you have to give up something. If you cut in your sleep time, your resting time or your eating time, you would be tired and unhealthy, thus affecting your grades. The only option left is to cut your work hours. This would be your Opportunity Cost. It may seem difficult since you need the money, but...

If you reduce hour work or part-time work, fortunately, you can still apply for Federal Student Aid (FSA). This is financial aid from the government. You can check their web site: (http://www.fafsa.ed.gov) Also, the City College provides other financial aid. You can ask the City College Financial Aid Office. Their number is (212)650-6656.

Remenber, you are not a worker. You are a college student. Your purpose is to get a good grade and obtain valuable knowledge which will mean a brighter future for you.

April 11, 2005

台長: spring girl
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