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聽見 冬天 的離開 我在某年某月 醒過來
我想 我等 我期待 未來卻不能因此安排
陰天 傍晚 車窗外 未來有一個人在等待
向左 向右 向前看 愛要拐幾個彎才來
我遇見誰 會有怎樣的對白 我等的人 他在多遠的未來
我聽見風 來自地鐵和人海 我排著隊 拿著愛的號碼牌
我往前飛 飛過一片時間海 我們也常在愛情裡受傷害
我看著路 夢的入口有點窄 我遇見你是最美的意外
終有一天 我的謎底會解開

The Encounters

Having heard the departure of winter, I woke up one day
I wondered, waited and looked forward
But my fate wouldn't changed because of that
In a sunless day, an evening, or maybe right outside the car window
Someone is waiting for me somewhere sometime
I checked the left, the right, and I look forward
How many corners shall love turn before it finally arrives?

Who shall I meet?
What are the lines on the scrip?
How far is the one I am waiting for?
I heard the wind came from the crowd and subway whispering.
I wait in line holding my number slip to be loved.

I flew across the ocean of time frame
We had been wounded so badly by love
I stare at the road and the entrance of dream seems a little too narrow
Our encounter was the most beautiful accident ever

There will be a day when all of my puzzles are going to be solved.

台長: Cynthia
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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