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Apple, Samsung, others raise $32M after China earthquake_1-s

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Apple, Samsung, others lift $32M after The far east earthquake The apple company, Samsung, along with other tech corporations have raised around $32 million that can help China given it tries to get over Saturday's devastating earth quake.The earth quake, which manifested Saturday morning regional time in China's Sichuan state, has up to date left 300 people deceased or Guild Wars 2 Power Leveling store lost, 11,300 people hurt, and more than Hundred or so,000 desolate.Among solutions companies giving money to aid in relief campaigns, Samsung Chinese suppliers has pledged around $9.8 million. The far east Samsung Chief executive Zhang Yuanji took to you can actually official Sina Weibo website page to express his / her condolences saying that "China Speak always considering the Chinese people by using thick and thin, for you to tide in the difficulties."Apple provides promised $8 thousand and distributed the following statement, according to Sina Technology:At this awkward time, best GW2 Power Leveling seller our spirits are using the victims in the Sichuan earthquake. Other than the cash gift to help the actual affected website visitors to tide around their issues, we are dedicated to providing brand new Apple gadgets to schools during the disaster area, and Iphone employees within the locality take stand-by at any time to aid.Other mechanic firms presenting donations until now include Foxconn along with around $8 thousand, Asus with $485,1,000, Dell China with $323,000, not to mention Microsoft Singapore with about $161,Thousand. Apple, Straight talk samsung, others bump up $32M after Cina earthquake

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