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Apple, Samsung, others raise $32M after China earthquake_1-s

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Apple, Samsung, others raise $32M after Cina earthquake Fruit, Samsung, and various tech organisations have raised even more than $32 million to guide China as it tries to pass though Saturday's devastating quake.The quake, which developed Saturday morning area time in China's Sichuan area, has at Guild Wars 2 Power Leveling shop this point left 150 people useless or neglecting, 11,700 people hurt, and more than 100,000 desolate.Among know-how companies sending money to help with relief endeavours, Samsung Japan has pledged around $9.7 million. The far east Samsung American president Zhang Yuanji took to yourrrre able to send official Sina Weibo webpage to express his condolences saying that "China New samsung always together with the Chinese people because of thick and thin, to be able to tide within the difficulties."Apple contains promised $8 trillion and produced the following declaration, according to Sina Computer:At this awkward time, our hearts are together with the victims within the Sichuan earthquake. Form cash gift to help the particular affected customers to tide over their troubles, we are committed to providing innovative Apple tools to schools during the disaster community, and Apple company company employees in the locality take any presctiption stand-by at any time to help.Other technician firms delivering donations to this point include Foxconn together with around $8 , 000, 000, Asus with $485,1,000, best Guild Wars 2 Power Leveling seller Dell China along with $323,000, and Microsoft China with about $161,A thousand. Apple, Speak, others bump up $32M after Cina earthquake

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