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guild wars 2 power leveling and Xinhua insurance. CICC

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129859193951093750_492Recent intensive media coverage personal tax-deferred old-age insurance pilot product is expected to be years in Shanghai: report programmes take the form of universal insurance packages and bonuses, tax deferred mode "deferred tax base" type; contribution limits for each 1000 Yuan, of which 700 Yuan for personal pension insurance allowance, 300 yuan for enterprise annuity exemption; cover enterprises and GovernmentOrgan; adoption of enterprise operation mode withholding pay; restrictions on the participation in the main insurance competition did not make. In this regard, we reaffirm our commitment to the personal tax-deferred judgement of endowment insurance products launched during the year. Current Chinese over the age of 65 per cent of older persons than is more than 9%, population ageing is increasingly prominent; introduced tax preferential pension products comply with social and development trend of the life insurance industry. It is understood that theInsurance company is ready, specific implementing regulations had entered the final stages of negotiation, of Shanghai's only after approval by the top leadership of the pilot programme can be rapidly implemented. We are expected to launch in September implemented rules and greater probability of official pilot. We believe that the pilot tax-deferred old-age insurance will exceed the development dilemma of the life insurance industry to promote medium-and long-term development of the industry. Mature marketSurvey data suggest that, when the proportion of older persons above the age of 65 than when close to 10%, is the annuity market demand, the Government encourages an annuity to favorable opportunities for the development of, accelerated growth in annuity premiums. United States, for example, facilitated by the tax reform act, United States 20% annuity premium income annually from 1975 to about high speed growth, annuitiesProportion of the total insurance premium income rose markedly, from per cent in 1975 to per cent in 1990, annuity products 15-year compound annual growth rate in total life insurance premiums up to 3.5%. In Japan, for example, since 1970, 20 years after the tax reform in the annuity premium income to maintain rapid growth of 20% per cent, annuity's share of life insurance gross premium income from 1970Year rose sharply to 7% per cent in 1990 guild wars 2 power leveling, annuity products 20-year compound annual growth rate in total life insurance premiums up to 2%. "Investment advice" according to our estimates, if the individual tax deferred pension insurance products in the next 10-15 years at the level of national coverage extended to employees 40-50%, then the policy will increase the current value of about 10%. In our judgment, tax deferred pension products from a local pilot to nationwide it will take some time, and faced more uncertainty gw2 power leveling. Although 1-3 year for life insurance company financial results have little effect, but because of the medium-and long-term and far-reaching, the introduction of a pilot programme will be the catalyst for repairing of the life insurance sector short-term valuation. Recommended investors take the insurance unit deals in the third quarter. Recommended ShunSequence a-shares of China life insurance, China Pacific insurance, Xinhua insurance; h shares China life insurance, China Taiping, China Pacific insurance, and Xinhua insurance. CICC

台長: gw2goldfxdgf
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