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guild wars 2 power leveling sometimes also called the respo

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129858981902500000_214TV general knowledge daily news: TV response time LCD TV the most worrying problem is the scene of smearing and Echo problems. Some consumers and salespeople in the store this habitual problem and the response time parameters link seems to be as long as it reflects the time quickly, and what issues are resolved. But in fact, although the response time is an important factor producing Echo and smearing, but it is not only important forA vegetarian diet. Or, rather, resolution of smearing and Echo problem is not the reaction time is not the problem, but only address the response time issue can not be total elimination of Echo and smearing. Reaction time, sometimes also called the response time, we call it metaphor above "door speed", and the actual speed of the definition should be the deflection of liquid crystal molecules. Response time are two common classifications: Response time for black and white and grey to grey response time. Black and white response time LCD TV pixel points by all blackout all lights, and then all lights go dark and time required. The response time is also called black-white-black full response time, is the liquid crystal molecules spin the fastest. Grey to grey response time refers to the liquid crystal molecules under different shades of gray between the time required to switch, usuallyConditions represented by the average grey to grey response time value. Theoretically, black and white, fast response time is one of the most value, but in the measurement and the actual product, through adherence to optimal algorithm, gray-scale reflects the time can become very fast, even more than black and white response time. Accelerated technology currently in use are: increasing the drive voltage method, changing the method of liquid crystal molecules initial state, reduce the liquid crystalThree sticky degree of law. This several ways you can enable 25ms black and white on the numerical response time 8ms grey to grey response time gw2 power leveling. As mentioned before, reaction time is not a panacea to solve trailing Echo problem. Now the most common 8-millisecond response time, for example, it is equivalent to 1/0.008=125 frame refresh rate. While the human eye observationThe minimum interval is 1/60 second, equivalent to approximately 60 frame refresh rate of the screen. Thus, in the present, LCD TV reflects the time is entered within 10 milliseconds, so, 3 or even 4 millisecond milliseconds when the best product, response time has gone far enough. Consumers to buy LCD TV products, care reflects the original intent of time without external is not GreekLooking Echo and trailing in the TV. But in today's response time is fast enough, consumers still can not effect that, because the Echo and the emergence of smearing the reason is complex. Eliminate means cannot rely solely on improving reaction time guild wars 2 power leveling. Many times when you believe my eyes seeing effects, are more secure than believe that argument, in particular on the LCD TV that is used to look at products.

台長: gw2goldfxdgf
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