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2004-08-22 01:02:31| 人氣45| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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So, the Olympic Game in Athen, 2004 is already gone half way through. And Chinese Taipei had won 1 silver and 1 bronze. Both of them are in Archery. The baseball team lost 3 games out of 4. Who knows if they will get into the seminfinal.
I think it is so poor to be an athlete in Taiwan. First of all, we do not even have an appropriate name for our country. Chinese Taipei, what is that? We do not even have our own flag shown in this international community.
Second of all, I do not think that most of the people really care that much. If any Taiwanese athletes gets a medal, people will be like, oh yeah, we get a medal. Of course, we are happy about it, but we do not really support them I guess. Or should I say that the government does not support them.
Athletes in Turkey gets a free house on the beach and whole life long money support if they get a gold medal. What do athletes get in Taiwan? I have no clue. Besides, there should be more people, the so called cheerleading teams, to go to Greece for supporting right there, to yell for the athletes, to cheer for the athletes, to be just physically be there for them!!! I really think that is very important.
I was just watching men's archery team. There were like only few people at the side to cheer for them, compares to the team from korea, from Australia!!!
The atmosphere needs to be changed toward sports in Taiwan. It is getting better and better. But still not good enough. If China can train their kids to be good at diving, if Japanese athletes can get gold medals in many competitions of swimming, if Thailand can train their athletes to be good at weight lifting and if Indonesia can train their athletes good at badminton, SO CAN WE!!!!

With this entry, I pay my sincere attitude to the Chinese Taipei Olympic team!!!

The logo is extracted from the official Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee website.

台長: adrienne
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