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2020-06-22 09:06:55

Summary of VF defects

Summary of VF defects byDr.Reda Gomah El Garia August 17, 2018 inOphthalmology 1828 0 Summary of VF defects Contentshide 1Re...

2020-04-10 10:03:26


什麼是黃斑部病變? 人體視覺最敏感處就是黃斑部,它位在眼球正後方的視網膜中心處。此病是好發於老年人的慢性疾病,造成50歲以上老年人視覺嚴重損害的首要原因。患者會逐漸發生中央黃斑部的退化現象,進而影響患...

2020-04-09 11:01:14

Coronavirus disease 2019

COVID-19(Coronavirus disease 2019) Abstract: COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus disease, is a respiratory infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV 2). ...

2019-12-30 17:30:54

Drug-induced uveitis

Drug-induced uveitis by Dr.Reda Gomah El Garia November 21, 2019 in Ophthalmology 0 Drug-induced uveitisContents hide 1 systemic medications associated with uveiti...

2019-12-09 13:46:29


十架七言-7個受傷的心得醫治的方法 2019/12/09 10:52 1567 特約記者 / 光晞 整理報導 (圖/Shutterstock) 當我們致力尋求身體的醫治、情緒的釋放或關係的恢復時,有時候我們...

2019-11-11 15:47:14

Muscles of facial expressions and how they work

Muscles of facial expressions and how they work Muscles of facial expressions and how they work This article is also available in a video format in our Bell's Palsy Vid...

2019-09-18 12:40:15



2019-08-29 17:32:48

Anatomy and physiology of the eyelids

Anatomy and physiology of the eyelids byDr.Reda Gomah El Garia February 26, 2018 inOphthalmology 0 Anatomy and physiology of the eyelids ...

2019-08-29 10:12:41

Yellow White Retinal Lesion Differential Diagnosis

Yellow White Retinal Lesion Differential Diagnosis BY OPHTHALMOLOGY NOTES POSTED ON JUNE 23, 2015 2:05PM Yellow-white retinal lesions ordeposits at the ...

2019-08-26 10:12:16

Macular Hole Surgery

Macular Hole Surgery Surgical approaches to macular hole repair and tips aimed at becoming a pro ByCHRISTINA Y. WENG, MD, MBA July 1, 2019 1 Idiopathic full-thickness macular hole (...

2019-08-12 10:41:07

Case: New protocol for macular hole treatment

Case: New protocol for macular hole treatment Leo P. Semes, OD, FAAO March 20, 2019 Volume: 11 Issue: 4 Retina,Clinical Diagnosis,OCT,Case Study A 55-year-old f...

2019-08-02 10:33:52

Patching in amblyopia

Patching in amblyopia By Dr.Ahmed FouadAmblyopia is decreased vision in one or both eyes due to abnormal development of vision in infancy or childhood. In amblyopia, there may not be an obvious p...

2019-07-30 20:42:21

(新)眼皮 割雙眼皮 眼皮整形 縫雙眼皮 雙眼皮手術 公告:請先矯正屈光不正.再進行雙眼皮手術.萬分感激.

公告:請先矯正屈光不正.再進行雙眼皮手術.萬分感激. 「 眉目傳情」,這是描寫美麗動人心靈之窗的眼睛,所表現出的的各種情感活動。然而什麼樣的眼睛才算美呢?或許有人會說一雙炯炯有神的大眼睛,雙眼皮再配上墨黑的...

2019-06-26 12:46:52


DRUG HELPS RELIEVE DRY EYE New drug promotes corneal healing, reduced symptoms in phase II study Howard Larkin Posted: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 The vicious cycle of corneal damage in dry eye...

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