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vacuumsaver improves our life!

1. Space saving: stackable and nested inside design

2. Full range products make storage more efficient.

3. Air-tight:  A. Qualified material

                   B. Combine patent technology.

4. Pumping efficiency  A. Single part

                                  B. Simple construction

5. Anti-moisture:Perfect mechanism portfolio outstand the performance of the anti-moisture

    A. Excellent air isolation– avoid humidity on the subtropical zone

    B. High pumping efficiency-Pump out the air and lower the humidity

6. Anti-oxidization:: Patented design is able to reduce air inside the container and make it anti-oxidization

7. Anti-Moisture: Keep the moisture content of food and prolong the freshness.

8. Anti-bacteria: below factors make the container antibacterial

    a. Cut off air

    b. Anti-humidity

    c. Anti-oxdization

    d. Reduce bacteria grow

9 . Prolong the freshness of food and reduce the food waste.

10. Vacuum seal Quick marinade box

11.Auto exhausting air :

     Patented air valve design can exhaust air automatically when the pressure inside the box is higher than

     atmospheric pressure.It can prevent from the deformation of the container which we put in microwave

     or we place the fermented food into.

12.Microwave safe:

     Vacuumsave’s patened air valve can exhaust the air when the pressure inside the box is higher

     than  atmospheric pressure.

13. Mechanism strength: The container sustains the higher pressure in vacuum condition thus, we need 

      to use the high – strength PP and reinforce the structural strength.

14. Composite material application::The vacuum technology can be used not only in plastic material but

      also glass, Metal, Ceramics, wood, and so on. The application of composite material could diversify

      the product design and make the products more stylish.

15. Easy operation and maintenance

16. Product safe garantee

      A. simple parts and construction (structure)

      B. food grade certificate: LFGB / FDA / SGS

      C. worldwide patents protection

      D. Global awards: G-mark / IF

台長: concise living
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: About vacuumsaver |
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