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2005-03-03 00:58:26| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Whether we find it old or young or sorrowed...

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This sentence chanted itself in my head from dawn till dusk, but despite that, it didn't enlighten me about my failure soul search, I reckon I really should be giving up on this. Haha anyway, wrote a thank you email to somebody I thought was nice (!), felt I'd regret it if I didn't, haha, simple emails may mean much inside. But as I said, 'Anyway'....

'We'll meet again, dunno where, dunno when.... but I know that we will meet some sunny day.... Keep smiling through just like you always dooo... but I know that we will meet some su-nny day...'

* * *

Hong Kong Artwalk with Katharina tonight. In the rain. Never have walked around so many art galleries in a go, 3 and a half hours? Never have had so much 'So Ho' food constantly. Had Fat Angelo's, pizza express and white wine in the rain, my favourite crepes with second serving. Maybe about 30 galleries. By the end of it we just crashed into each gallery looking for the food and wine table looking for desserts to seal our stomachs. Um. Had a try on some liqeur called rose tequila too. Apprently it's strawberry flavoured tequila with 15% alcohol, making me feeling a bit tired (tipsy) now, oops. Then I had the pleasure of meeting Katharina's bf Shawn who came into the dessert shop with his suit drenched in the rain. It was really cute. But I wasn't any better, feeling crap in my post-call voice and all (not to mention my hair, of course).

So this guy called John Batten attempted to ruin the night. But he didn't do it too well...


(Photo: Sunset Sassoon Boulevard)

台長: 靜花香
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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