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2005-03-03 00:21:45| 人氣31| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

In love with Mr. Wong

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So you got caught by the title. I guess you would. Well, there is actually such a person, Mr. Wong. This guy with amazing talent and charm, alluring my heart completely into his world of art. Tonight, I was invited to see the French Impressionists paintings at the Art Museum by Ann. It was a free private viewing night for her company. Before arriving at the museum she treated me yummy dinner at my favourite restaurant in TST (beijing-shanghai food) in anticipation of my first interview. The paintings from Musee D'Orsay Paris were very good, though I didn't remember seeing many of them a few years back in D'Orsay myself. caught a glimpse of a lotus from another exhibition hall by the far end and curiosity sucked me in. It turned out to be by a man full of humour and sensitivity. Sounds like a good lover, ha. I especially love his side writings on his paintings, philosophical stories or just some feelings, heartfelt by me. But it was his use of colours, lushous and bright blues and pink with gold, or dusky blue lotus, amazingly blending so well with the atmosphere. Oh well, I can't describe them with my limited English, but isn't art much more than what words can tell?

By the time we walked out, the museum shop was already closed. So, I'll have to go there again at the end of this week to buy the catalogue. How about Saturday.

* * *
Huang Yongyu at 80: An Art Exhibition


台長: 靜花香
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