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2005-02-25 22:34:59| 人氣30| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

'a soul as lit with love and wonder and tenderness'

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Digging out my old emails from Bombay, from this girl who started off as a stranger who likes taking photos and writing poems. It was from just one email I wrote, she grasped the essence... maybe I picked the right person to write an email to, or do artists have a similar approach in thinking, or happening? And that is how life goes, though being a dreamer and romantic, I reckon there are a few small (?) exercises to keep me going, working hard and keeping the faith, about myself and about more joyous things.

'...but there is much that is so achingly beautiful in this world and much that is odd and strange and dreamy, much that must be given attention to, explored, attempted to decipher.. '

* * *
Yesterday while giving chemotherapy to little boy Raphael, his mother told me he'd be 18 months old today, and she was going to make some brownies for him. This made me travel all the way down the hill to buy some brownies myself after work. Mrs. Field's expensive $$ ones. I ended up giving them all to my friends Kennis and Sharon being on call. Think they'd like something sweet during the night :) I reckon I'd be rather happy if I'd got some from somebody too. Maybe I'll just get myself some on Sunday when I'm off after the call night. Hope I'll have lunch with Katherina on Sunday, a new friend I met this week from the hospital.

* * *
Time for some bedtime reading now, nighte.

* * *
Kandi, good luck for your exams! Looking forward to hear good news from you darl ;)

(Photo: Tea)

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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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