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2005-02-25 20:06:12| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey... (haha, that song)

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Tonight, Mimi called and we talked across several continents for an hour and a half, updating on each other on this and last year. Now she can work on her own in the operating theatre doing burr holes and VP shunts, how amazing is that. And we are still like the two girls that we used to be chatting away with our lives, so colourfully and comfortably. I don't know if I'd call this language barrier, but whatever it was broke down as my mouth blew out smoother words with practice. I didn't think I'd find the right words, but the perfect ones came out.

So now you know how I felt. I don't really know if I'm good at expressing myself.

* * *
I'm back to listening to The Corrs, a record I left behind for years, it was in the times of my last last love. It doesn't feel as embarrassing listening to the music now, 'As everybody hurts... sometimes...'. Perhaps you'd read the lyrics of this first song 'Only in my sleep' might get some gist of the old, me. But I don't think it'd be as easy, um.

* * *
A star wish for tomorrow... with a lot of smiles and hope for the children I work for :) There's a really pretty and sweet girl called Jacqueline and there's a little baby always sitting on a sitting chair looking up to the adults with his sweet puffy face. And there is a really really cute boy called Ah Ho who I inject chemotherapy through his central line every day, while he sat so perfectly still on a chair, handing me a sweetie as a token of thanks. And there is ......

* * *
Thanks Sharon for coming to visit me and just saying hi and seeing if I'm ok (wasn't, but I'm better now), hope you'll have a great time tomorrow with your bf and those candles! And Ruby, hope you found my help useful! I'm no more than you but it's always better to have a second opinion :) Night night to all you sweet friends,

台長: 靜花香
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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