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* 當一個民選政府是暴力的、邪惡的,怎麼辦?(我不是說Hamas)這可能是民主必須遇到難題,巴勒斯坦的例子值得觀察。

Hamas, Fatah agree to plan that implicitly recognizes Israel
The Associated Press
TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2006
The rival Hamas and Fatah movements on Tuesday completed an agreement over a plan that implicitly recognizes Israel, ending weeks of acrimonious negotiations, a top official said.

Fatah and Hamas officials praised the agreement. However, the deal was overshadowed by a crisis over the abduction of an Israeli soldier being held by Palestinian militants.

”We have an agreement over the document,” said Ibrahim Abu Naja, who coordinated the ”national dialogue” over the proposal. He said negotiators would present the document to President Mahmoud Abbas, who leads Fatah, and Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas.

”There is no complicated issue left because everyone signed and everyone approved the document,” he said.

Abbas has been trying to Hamas rivals into endorsing the document, which was formulated by senior Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. He has endorsed the plan as a way to end crippling economic sanctions against the Hamas-led Palestinian government and pave the way to reopening peace talks.

The plan calls for a Palestinian state alongside Israel and accepts a 2002 proposal endorsed by the Arab League, which offered the possibility of full diplomatic relations with Israel.

The plan also calls on militants to limit attacks to areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast War and calls on the parties to work toward forming a Palestinian unity government.

”It’s a historic moment and an important moment in our history,” said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri. ”In the shadow of the escalation and the aggression against our people, our people emphasized unity.”

Hamas and Fatah have been locked in a bloody power struggle since Hamas won legislative elections in January. Hamas controls the parliament and Cabinet. Abbas, a political moderate, was elected separately last year.

”I can say to the world and to our people that we have an agreement over the prisoners’ document, which is the national consensus agreement,” said Samir Masharawi, a top Fatah leader.

Acceptance of the plan marks a significant concession by Hamas, which is committed to Israel’s destruction and has killed scores of Israelis in suicide bombings. Still, it falls short of demands by Israel and the international community that Hamas renounce violence and give full recognition to Israel.

The agreement also was marred by opposition to the deal by Islamic Jihad, a small militant group that has carried out numerous attacks against Israel.

”In today’s meeting, we announced we reject some of the articles of this document and we have reservations about other articles,” said Khaled al-Batch, spokesman for Islamic Jihad.

With Hamas-linked militants holding a captured Israeli soldier, the Palestinian agreement is even less likely to reduce tensions. Israel has massed troops along its border with Gaza, promising a broad offensive into the area.

Negotiators said Israel’s threats to assassinate Hamas leaders following Sunday’s abduction had pressured the group to accept the prisoners’ deal. They declined to be identified, fearing it would raise tensions with Hamas.

台長: globalist
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