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2004-10-19 10:50:47| 人氣34| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Autumn in Ohio

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I can’t never forget the season we met.
The season when leaves are falling, embracing the mother earth, telling us how time has flown away without saying goodbye.
The season when your carefully tended garden fading away.
You are always upset and tell me that you don’t like this season.
But I do love the season.
It is the most amazing season of all.
It reminds me of the autumn in Ohio, the buckeye state, where the Lord brought me and showed me the different world I will have in the future.
It is autumn.
It is Ohio.
It is you.
It is you that makes my world different.

台長: 座頭鯨
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