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2007-12-09 01:44:10


Need help with your research? Don’t know what to do with the paper in English? Let me help you with the translation!! 5 years of translation experience, all kinds of topics, excellent with English ...

2007-01-11 07:38:00

The beautiful duck with extremely special feet

Here is the closer shot of the duck. Hope you can see the feet much clearer. If any of you knows what specie it is, please let me know. Thanks.

2007-01-11 07:34:07

Downtown Disney, Florida

Different unknown (to me) birds and ducks hanging out enjoying the sunshine, but only this special duck drew my attention. Watch closely to its feet.......See them yet? I wish I could blow it up an...

2007-01-11 07:27:17

St. Augustine again!!

Between the move and still, what catches your eyes?

2007-01-11 07:22:03

St. Augustine again

Several sailboats sat in the waveless sea enjoying the peaceful moment before the night fell and waiting for the moon and start to shine above them giving them comforts. Like me, a student from Taiwan...

2007-01-11 06:58:18

St. Augustine

A hotel sitting in the tranquil twilight. It was drizzling a little, yet gave the city a sense of poetic touch.

2007-01-11 06:53:32

The oldest city in the United States--St. Augustine

The well-preserved cannons that once protected the city from its enemies are located in the Fort facing to the sea.

2007-01-11 06:47:31

Trip to Florida in December, 2006

This is part of the oldest city in the United Sates-- St. Augustin. It is a very quiet, relaxing town. It was the Christmas Day when we got there (Thanks God, not so many there to take the relaxatio...

2006-05-17 00:02:46
2006-05-16 07:56:15

The Bike for You Only

New York, an amazing city full of surprises. 這部專為旅人設計的紅色觀光腳踏車, 在擁擠的車陣人群裡, 穿越縫隙, 抓住我的視線. 發現我站在前方不遠處拿著相機等待著人群散去, 腳踏車的主人慢慢踩著, 一臉...

2005-08-26 13:03:45


一直以來都是保持離地面三公尺的高度 低空飛行 飛的太高 怕無法將那廣闊的一片天 盡收眼底 離地太近 怕被那泥土的香氣吸引 而心甘情願放棄飛行的夢想 於是 靈魂像無根的浮萍 在離地三公尺的高度 泅泳 ...

2005-05-17 05:45:32

陶瓷碎片(譯作) 3

第二章 木耳從梧桐樹葉間偷看著,困惑不已.離上回他到明的房子已有好些天了,而且他也算好今天就是拉坯的日子,但就是不見明在工作,鏇盤上亦沒有溼陶土的蹤影.整個工作區看起來相當整齊,院子裡只有幾隻雞悠哉的散步...

2005-05-16 06:32:35

陶瓷碎片(譯作) 2

木耳是一種皺巴巴,半圓形生長在枯死的樹幹上的菇類,不需要種子的養份便能從腐爛的木頭成長茁壯.老鶴說,木耳是個適合孤兒的好名字.就算木耳曾有過其他名字,他也不記得了,就連給他取名的家人恐怕也忘了吧. 木耳和老...

2005-05-13 09:54:41

紅色電話座 綠色檯燈 黃色茶杯 軟木杯墊 咖啡色書桌 異鄉人呆望著從家鄉來 熟悉的記憶 一顆心背負著探險的驚奇 與一絲魂牽夢縈的淡淡鄉愁 身為旅人 鄉愁太沈重 遠在家鄉的戀人 總在夢裡 呼喚 歸

2005-05-13 09:48:43


電影院裡空盪盪 看了一部只有一人看的電影 我忘了 今天不是假日 現在是早上 誰會在這個時間看電影? 翹班的? 翹課的? 無業遊民? 還是無處可逃的心情難民? 坐了一百三十分鐘 流下幾滴淚 隱形眼鏡在眼球...

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