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2003-04-06 18:30:24| 人氣75| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

all-of-a-sudden thoughts: 2003.03.30

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Is it too fast to fall
Soon after I see your face?
Is it too false to feast
Soon after I hear your voice?
Would it be too ashamed to adore
Soon after I catch your smile?
Would it be too awaken to abide
Soon after I sense your charm?

Fall for your gentle manner
Feast on your dashing gesture
I am your secret adorer
Abiding at my invisible corner

Helpless, the moment
my brains stuck up within a minute
Perplexed, the depth
my mind gave in without a doubt

Drawn in a whirlpool
Lost in a desert
Dazzled in the sun
Locked in a storm

Tell me
Which way to go
Help me
Out of the mess
Save me
From insanity
Please, somebody please

Show me how to resist
Resist such sickness
Such reckless behaviors
Teach me how to expel it all
Expel these strange feelings inside
These foolish dreams from my head

I shall never have it revealed
Even you and I might again encounter
Why bother, however
Just a private fantasy
To a lovely stranger

I play badminton
I play poker
I played the piano
”Sometimes I play a fool”(this line is quoted from John Lennon in a BBC radio interview)

台長: lee


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