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2006-05-24 05:50:36| 人氣421| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Air lifting to the site

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The roughness of treeplanting really make you cry. No one talks abour it but we girls all secertly shed some tears in the tent. It’s 0 degree in the morning and 30 degree in the day. It might rains like pouring or hot as hell. You keep digging, shoveling and kicking the dirt no matter how tired you are, how sore your arms and legs are or how heavy the tree bags are (normally you carry your trees with you when planting, roughly about 8~10kg and you walk around the messy gournds with fallen trees and piles of woods in between.) The exhaustion level is classified as high as Olympic training according to Concordia University. The first real working day I can’t beleive I’m doing it then the second day Ican’t beleive I ’m doing with my finger bleeding and feet blistering. More wounds and more sores, I still keep digging. All for the evil $ sign. (and for the helicopter lift! I have my first every air life in my life - just to work! Even we don’t make money, this is totally worth it. Don’t know if we worth 700/hour for hire a heli to lift us to work?)

台長: gillianchang
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

Congraguately out of tree planting life,it must be your unmemorial experience,hope to see you the very soon.
2006-07-19 18:01:49
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