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2019-06-05 18:01:37| 人氣91| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Xiaomi Sothing DSHJ-L-006 Mosquito Killer Light review

In the hot summer days, except for the hot weather, the most annoying is the mosquito. Compared with the traditional mosquito-repellent incense and the chemical products with too many chemical products, the environmentally-friendly and safe mosquito-repellent lamp has become the first choice for everyone. Recently, Xiaomi has a new portable mosquito killer - Xiaomi Sothing DSHJ-L-006.
Due to the air-duct design, the light can operate at angles up to 360°, so mosquitoes can perceive it from any area and be attracted to it. Xiaomi portable mosquito killer uses a physical electric shock to kill mosquitoes, which can ensure the health and safety of users while achieving environmental protection.
buy Xiaomi Sothing DSHJ-L-006 Mosquito Killer
In addition, the mosquito killer effectively kills mosquitoes up to 40 square meters. A mosquito lamp can be used to effectively achieve mosquito killing effect in a room. It is very practical.
Product Features:
● Utilizes mosquito's phototaxis of UV light to achieve the inhalation physical mosquito killing.
● 360° UV lamp + 360° open air duct, all-around attraction, makes mosquito killing more efficient.
● No smoke, dust and irritating odors during work, reduces the likelihood of respiratory discomfort.
Xiaomi Sothing Cactus Mosquito Killer Light review
● Dark light reduces visual disturbances, compatible with most mobile phone chargers and power bank.
● Powered by Micro USB interface, convenient to charge.
● One button control, easy to operation.
● Removable mosquito storage box, easy to remove and wash.
Xiaomi mosquito killer light is made by plastic ABS and is a decorative object in itself thanks to the cactus-shaped finish and white + green combination. It uses the mosquito's phototaxis of UV light, induce them close to the lamp and inhaled them into mosquito storage box by the airflow.
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台長: gearvita
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全站分類: 家庭生活(育兒、親子關係、婚姻)

● Dark light reduces visual disturbances, compatible with most mobile phone chargers and power bank.
2019-10-07 16:05:57
Actually I heard about this repellent light before on the site of runbugz. They only intoduced it but didn’t had it in the stock. I am glad that I am able to get a review for one of these lights.
2019-10-07 17:50:32
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