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Xiaomi 90 FUN Portable Umbrella review: UV Protection

Now summer is coming, we bring good news to our mi fans. Xiaomi has released an umbrella - Xiaomi 90 FUN Umbrella. It is not to be taken only if there is fear that it may rain, it also has an accessory that can protect both from rain and from sun (40 UPF) and be easily transportable.
Xiaomi 90 FUN Portable Umbrella
The umbrella has 6 aluminum rods that support its surface, while its coccyx is made of nylon and fiberglass materials, making it a durable, resistant and top quality umbrella for sunny and rainy seasons.
One of the great virtues of Xiaomi brand’s umbrella is its size, the product allows to protect more than one person from the sun or rain thanks to its dimensions of 115cm x 66cm, besides, its weight of 330 grams makes it a light product, ideal for any member of the household at the time of leaving home.
xiaomi 90 fun umbrella fro sale
The new Xiaomi 90 Fun Portable Umbrella contains all these features. The protection sheet is made with one special waterproof fabric based on 4 layers. Not only there is no risk of rain penetrating, but it will be enough to shake it because the accumulated rain slips away without risk to transport it inside closed places.
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台長: gearvita
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