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2009-11-30 01:56:35| 人氣97| 回應0 | 上一篇

Cold Joke

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D: Dave

T: Tom


D: Hey lil Tom, want an Xmas present from Santa?

T: Yea… but isn’t Finland in winter now?

D: Why? It’s always cold there.

T: No, I mean economical winter.

D: Oh… don’t worry. It’s Iceland not Finland.

T: Do you think it’s good for all the children to rob a retired elderly?

D: So… how about Bill Gates?

T: Yeaaaa! Can I get a Windows 7? I am sick of cracking things already.

D: Well, I feel no surprise with a Windows 8.

T: Cool! Does it look the same with Mac?

D: Almost.

T: Yeaaaa!

台長: gaSnake


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