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received a Beauty

lthough the old Shanghai poster of the twentieth century, Shanghai woman willo skin Bai Sheng snow still look living feeling, but "white" still is an inherent pursuit of Asian women, natural white European and American women are more willing to burn yourself as a wheat color, and recognize it as fashionable, divine white skin will not necessarily be smug.Eastern and western women's different pursuit of ideal skin color is timely attracting the attention of beauty giants, making Chinese skin face the advent of the era of whitening and customization.
The Exclusiveyellow skin of Asian women since ancient times to "white" almost "sick" pursuit, in the world beautiful skin areas, however, Chinese women are neglected for too long, who let the modern concept of beautiful skin following western aesthetic development?The beauty giant duly took note of this by incorporating Asian women's centuries-old need for "whitening and whitening" into the custom category of the E age.
Beauty brands are "invading" Chinese skin in a planned way, according to the skin features of Asian women, the introduction of customized whitening products.
Known as "psychosomatic medicine", traditional Chinese medicine believes that the body is the basis of emotion, so internal adjustment of the body, nature brings good mood, good skin color is not far away.Of course, you will encounter a bad mood, but it doesn't matter, try to convince yourself, distracting to do the things you want to do, such as mood swings calm down, again carefully listen to the voice of the body, the folding of the introspection of god.It's a good idea to go outside for a walk.
Canruo peach is the whitening skin standard of traditional Chinese medicine
Chinese medicine also emphasizes moisturizing and sun protection.Good skin to have enough moisture moist and reliable protection, especially in the spring, after filling water must be clean and prevent bask in segregation frost moist cream on, lock the skin water in it, and to protect the inside of a result.Traditional Chinese medicine has the whitening skin standard of "canruotaohua" for a long time, that is, the whiteness is transparent, delicate and moist, paying attention to your inner, your whiteness can last long.
Lin liwen, health consultant of Shanghai moxibustion workshop
"During the blooming season, we need to replenish oxygen and sleep well."
1. Apricot blossom face light spot: according to Chinese medicine, apricot blossom can nourish the skin and remove the spots on the face, dispel the wind and activate the collaterals.Soak apricot flowers (dry and fresh) in water to wash your face.Add 3 to 5 grams of apricot flowers to 100 grams of rice and cook for another 10 minutes.
2. Rub the noodles to improve the darkness: pick 250 grams of flower buds, 3 grams of angelica dahurica, 1000 ml of white wine, seal and soak 30-49 days, drink 15-30 ml in the morning and evening, can be poured out of the palm to rub heat, knead the noodles.
White skin color has always been the goal of Asian women, the so-called "one white mask 100 ugly", white!That's our goal!But good whitening products, often hundreds or even thousands of people, not everyone can afford to spend.Below these methods, can help you use little money, achieve whitening effect greatly.
Wash your face with rice water
Rice every day, leave first and second rice washing water, let it slowly clear, to take the water to wash my face, face variable white and delicate. The water that clean out rice is more suitable for oily friends, because use it after washing a face, the face won't too bright,. Note that after washing a face with the water that clean out rice, washed with 3 times of water again.
Less cost and whitening effect
Two, milk on the face
Will drink the bottle of milk or milk bag a few drops of water, after the shake of the palm, dry face, apply applied after 5-6 minutes remove with clean water again. If this method for a long time, the face will be increasingly white tender, if use more effective after bathing,
Third, external conditioning
1. Mung bean mask
Mung bean, talc, angelica dahurica, white aconite grind final apply a face, mix with clear water or make up water every night fine end apply a face, dry after washing clean.The course lasts about fourteen days.Use every other day after treatment.
2. Wubai cream
Ampelopsis ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis, ampelopsis and ampelopsis.Apply a medicine to grind fine end all together, mix with quarter albumin to become thin paste, wash a face with lukewarm water before going to bed everyday, apply this cream thinly to a layer on the face again, wait for dry hind wash, the effect is very good.
3. Whitening cream
Gansong four money, hawthorn five money, white stiff silkworm one or two, wumei meat five money, saponious corner one or two, purple back duckweed five money, xiangbaizhi five money, mituo monk five money.Grind extremely fine end, every night with albumen adjust apply on the face, the next morning with warm water wipe off.
4. Silver ear mask
Silver ear (white wood ear), astragalus, angelica dahurica, jade bamboo each 50 grams, grind fine end in all, take medicine end every night 5 grams, mix on protein or with clear water mix into paste form apply a face, wait for dry hind wash go.Honeysuckle, angelica dahurica, jade bamboo can nourish the skin, poria cocos can in addition to surface spots, whiten and 3, lifting eyelid, can fade out black rim of the eye: because more oxygen can be rushed into the blood vessels around the eyes, tap can fade spots and black rim of the eye.
4. When the skin is yellowed and the defecation is not smooth, rotate the joints: from the toes, ankles, knees to the hip joint, adjust and accept the upper and lower trifocal energy like a hula 

台長: fultheair


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