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2004-06-05 00:46:34| 人氣55| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Frankee-Fuck you right back

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通常都好hip hop feel,我嫌唔夠大聲,
所以要燒埋落碟出廳用大la ba黎聽,同鄰居一齊分享,一齊fuck,
開頭係受Eamon-fuck it影o向,之後聽過Frankee用佢首歌又唱左另一個版
Fuck You Right Back
Oh oh
no no no

(You know there is two sides to every story)

See I don't know why you cryin' like a bitch
talkin' shit like a snitch
why you write a song 'bout me

if you really didn't care
you wouldn't wanna share
tellin' everybody just how you feel

fuck What I did was your fault somehow
fuck the presents,I threw all that shit out
fuck don't go cryin' you didn't mean jack
well guess what yo,fuck you right back

fuck What I did was your fault somehow
fuck the presents,I threw all that shit out
fuck don't go cryin' you didn't mean jack
well guess what yo,fuck you right back

You thought you could really make me moan
I had better sex all alone (ha ha ha ha)
I had to do your friend
now you want me to come back
you must be smokin' crack
Im goin' else where and thats a fact

Fuck all those nights I moaned real loud
fuck it,I faked it,i'll rent you out
fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back
well guess what yo,your sex was wack

Fuck all those nights I moaned real loud
fuck it,I faked it,i'll rent you out
fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back
well guess what yo,your sex was wack

whoa whoa
uh uh yea

whoa whoa
uh uh yea

whoa whoa
uh uh yea

whoa whoa
uh uh yea

You questioned did I care
maybe I would howl if you wanna come to me
now it's over
but I do admit i'm glad I didn't catch your crabs
I can't swear bad cause I got to go

fuck What I did was your fault somehow
fuck the presents,I threw all that shit out
fuck don't go cryin' you didn't mean jack
well guess what yo,fuck you right back

台長: Felicity
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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