world post 017: Finlandsome letter boxes in Finland, they have two colors.did u receive my blessing from Suomi?在世界漫遊,常常找尋郵筒、郵局、郵票,想將生活在當地的心情與當地......(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-11-09 18:13 | 人氣:367 | 回應:0
2011尋羊冒險記*travels in Finland 006 I like the blue sky and cloud of Rovaniemi, it's a special experience to connect world by internet at McDonald in Rovani......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-08-25 22:16 | 人氣:159 | 回應:0
2011尋羊冒險記*travels in Finland 005went to Rovaniemi....(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-08-25 17:45 | 人氣:59 | 回應:0