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【團購驚喜價】Nike Air Max 270 Bowfin - 12325270 不能不逛經典商品


比如買Nike Air Max 270 Bowfin - 12325270可以直送到府或超商取貨 再也不必不能不逛經典商品大包小包的扛回家

而且通常比店面便宜 如果剛好又有活動就更能撿到便宜

最近在網路上看到Nike Air Max 270 Bowfin - 12325270 覺得價格很實在 深得我心

以下是Nike Air Max 270 Bowfin - 12325270 的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!










Nike Air Max 270 Bowfin 鞋款以弓鰭魚 (bowfin) 為名,嚮往水陸雙棲的自在呼吸,結合越野鞋與水蝮蛇元素,演繹多樣風采。造型以機能為靈感,結合 Nike 特大號 Max Air 氣墊,勇創未來新風潮。


  • 布質與合成皮革鞋面採用越野鞋與水蝮蛇設計元素。
  • Max Air 氣墊是 Nike 迄今數一數二大的氣墊產品。
  • 抓地力紋路以越野路徑為靈感,打造耐久抓地機能。
  • 顯示顏色: 黑色/Desert/Cone/Phantom
  • 款式: AJ7200-001
  • 原產國/地區: 越南

  • Nike Air Max 緣起送禮好康

    1978 年時,Nike 的革命性 Air-Sole 氣墊成為 Nike 鞋款中的一部分。1987 年推出的 Nike Air Max 1,後跟位置的氣墊首次外露亮相,讓粉絲不只能感覺到 Air-Sole 的舒適,還可以一睹其真面目。自此而後,新一代的 Nike Air Max 鞋款都因大膽亮眼的顏色與可靠輕盈的緩震效果,深受運動員與收藏家的青睞。

    訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

    • 標準運送的商品可於 2-7 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達

    • 標準運送的商品可於 3-8 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-7 個工作天內送達

    訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

    NikePlus 會員可享免費退貨退貨政策例外情況

    3 顆星

    Bowfin is a winner

    mrloush - 2018 M11 26

    Just picked these up and love the colorway. They fit like a glove, hard to put on at first because of the sock-like construction, but after one try, they were comfy and snug. Air sole offers great cushioning. Great presence on the foot too. I had the green/white and black, but returned and picked up the red/black, a good choice for sure. These won’t disappoint, buy them with confidence, you I’ll love them. Nike offers free shipping and returns which makes it very easy to try and return if needed. You can挖好康折扣情報 even return after wearing outside within 30 days. How can you go wrong?

    Flawed Shoe

    mw3997 - 2018 M11 18

    I ordered a pair of these for a cruise.They came fairly quick, however the shoe came with two huge scuffs on the shoe. (or Glue) I haven't had any bad service with Nike prior to this but when yo order a shoe for a specific event and the shoe has an issue on their end. It can be pretty upsetting. Point is, Nike in the future maybe shoes that are ordered online need to go through a inspection process.

    If i could as of now id give 10 stars

    GeneTA133938841 - 2018 M11 09

    Ordered these the other day and these 270 bowfins are everso comfortable ,feel great on my feet, and most likely order another pair after i wear these a few weeks to see the durability size on the money plenty of room in the toe box




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