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2005-11-02 22:55:42| 人氣38| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

sub my mind .......

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Euri @ college

i jst heard a song during lesson ... a old song
a sofe, sweet , self opinion song.....
its about i like you, and this feeling is below to me it does bother anyone
its my personal sence ....i like u jzt becoz i wanna fancy u ...
ur Q ...ur mood .... jzt wanna look at u ...
all feelings become good when i think of u .......bababa..etc

it shots in to my heart ....
its almost the feeling,
when i think of u ..... no matter what u r/ who u r ....
jzt feel great when i think of u ....
the whole point is ..........I LIKE TO THINK OF U
it does mean i love u, purely becoz u make me feel ....i m alive

and that’s it all between me and u. enough .....nothing gonna beyond this point

台長: euri
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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