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2009-07-30 22:44:57| 人氣266| 回應11 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I need help for my accent!

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Is it possible to improve my accent in three months?


I just got an offer from XXX cram school for a curriculum/administrative position at the academic office. I need to decide whether I’m going to accept this position or not before next Wednesday. They think I have the potential to handle most of the duties. However, they pointed out my weakness. They want me to improve my accent and spoken grammar. One of my duties is to provide training on foreign teachers. That’s why they have a higher expectation on my spoken English. When I was only a teacher, people didn’t expect me to speak English that well.  


After years of studying in the U.S.A, I still carry an accent (although it’s not strong) and occasionally make a few grammar mistakes when I speak. People usually don’t have a problem communicating with me, so they seldom correct my speaking. Accent is different from pronunciation. It’s not easy to be changed.


I’m thinking of finding a tutor to help me intensively during the next three months. Do you have any other suggestions? I need your advice. Thank you!


A desperate challenger Grace

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Dear Grace,
I think I will talk with you like AN ADULT and be honest with you. Pronunciation might be able to be worked on but ACCENT might be hard to change as we get older. NOT JUST YOU. IT APPLIES TO EVERYONE. I am sure you have known this part of yourself and I was surprised that YOU DID NOT PUSH YOURSELF HARD ENOUGH when you became a teacher especially a teacher to the children. However, PLEASE GO AHEAD to work on it and you just have to WORK ON IT from your new duties. In addition, my other MAJOR suggestion would be YOU REALLY NEED TO STUDY MORE ABOUT ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING for your new job. THAT IS THE OTHER PART YOU SHOULD WORK HARDER ON for your new position. TRAINING ISNT EASY at all so KEEP WORKING HARD. GOOD LUCK.
2009-08-05 00:08:33
Sarah, thank you for you advice and suggestion. Yes, you are right! I didn`t push myself hard enough in teaching and learning the “language” because I spent too much time dealing with students’ behaviors and parental communication during the past few years. (I got really tough classes. It was a nightmare!) Also, foreign teachers taught most of the subjects (especially phonics, reading, writing and…etc.) I didn`t get the chances to teach that much. This training course is a wake up call for me to do something to improve all aspects of my English skills.

I haven`t accepted that position because I’m waiting for another job offer. But another position also involves some teacher training duties. Recently, I start reading aloud with audio CDs and studying the books- The CELTA Course & How to teach everyday. Hope I can improve my accent and get more insights about English language teaching.
2009-08-05 22:35:02
Dear Grace,
I changed my accent with a book called &quotAmerican Accent Training&quot. http://www.amazon.com/American-Accent-Training-Book-Audio/dp/0764173693/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249629185&sr=1-1

I think the skills in the book are useful and helpful.
If you want to read this book before buying it, I can lend you mine. I suggest you buy it yourself because I have the book with cassettes and it has the CD version now.
2009-08-07 15:28:41
Thank you for the recommendation! I will take it into serious consideration. Is it heavy for you to carry this book to work? Or I just go directly making the order now!
2009-08-07 19:37:53
It`s not heavy. I`ll bring it to my office.
2009-08-09 17:06:00
Thanks! I`ll stop by before I go to 延平branch on Tuesday. I`m just going to take a quick look, so you can bring it home right away.
2009-08-09 21:34:17
thanks for Serena`s recommendation. it seems an useful book. anyone who is interested, just let me know. there is an E-book online that I could share with you.
2009-08-10 11:32:08
2009-08-10 22:01:32
there is a free pdf download with CDs that I accidentally found. try to save some money since I haven`t start making any. ^__^
2009-08-10 22:58:12
Dear Rachel,

WOW! You are a genius. Can you provide the link?
2009-08-11 05:34:45
maybe it`s not a good idea to post in public..I will email you..
2009-08-11 14:55:26
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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