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2003-12-02 13:10:16| 人氣413| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

from Linda's fiance'

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Hi.Your friend in Taiwan, Linda Chang , suggestedthat I send you an email to introduce myself. Linda & I met through AsianFriendFinders about a year and a halfago, June 2002, both of us like movies and books. I particularlyliked her sense of humour. (Canadians spell some wordsthe British way, "humour" / "humor"). I had visited Hong Kongthe previous winter and was fascinated enough to want to goback to East Asia, especially to Taiwan to meet Linda. So we met in March of this year & I liked her very much. She returned my visit by cominghere in October and we had fun travelling around Ontario: Niagara,Toronto, Muskoka. As she told you I am a Canadian, living near Niagara Falls (it is justten minutes by car) and work in the paper department of a large printing press company, which prints newspaper inserts and commercial pamphlets. My niece (a high school student) is interested in Japan & has a pen pal there. I also suggested Linda send you the Canadian novel Life of Pi,which was very popular in Canada. Hope you liked it. And please come to visit us in Canada.(我 要 John 加 上 的, 孺 子可 教) John Patersonp.s. 嘿嘿 給Junko e-mail 主旨 他 用from Linda's fiancé

台長: Linda
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