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2004-07-24 09:16:49| 人氣35| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Casino Trip

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Yesterday Nite I have visited the new casino - Sands and Galaxy....

They are totally different feeling and atmosphere... Sands is more are like the Las Vagas's style and I felt they are more welcome and confortable... unfortunatlly, both of the casino have no HANDSOMES and PREETYS.. (Joking)!! I think I will visit Sands once more when my frineds come to Macau, and this is a good place to VISIT.. not PLAYING!!

Gone to Haytt to have Buffy last nite, I dont suggest anyone to go there anumore la, cos it is really "NOT WORTH", actually there are not much good buffy in Macau, I suggest u better go to HK to find some of the new restaurant, they may give you a surprise ^_^

Elmo le Tour..

台長: Little Elmo
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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