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2004-04-05 06:47:00


空空的心 空盪盪 空然載物 物我兩忘

2004-02-21 07:30:53

Predicting/Misconception part 1

When predicting the future trend, we use the underlying fact/s as a guide line. 當越多evidences support our prediction 我們越容易相信我們的prediction. 若當evidences/facts 是因之前的predictions才產...

2004-02-07 17:17:33


Normally, the chance of winning is 1/3, the chance of losing is 1/3, and the chance of tied is 1/3. I 想 that players出的Pattern is not independent from previous rounds. For example, say if player...

2004-02-04 08:20:00

Anchor effect

It is believed, by some people, that when two parties are negotiating over a settled price, the side first proclaiming his price often loses his vantage in the push-and-pull. Contrarily, the proclaime...

2004-01-26 14:46:00

Britain honor Bill Gate with Knighthood.

London — Britain will give an honorary knighthood to Microsoft Corp. chairman Bill Gates in recognition of his contribution to enterprise in Britain, the government said Monday. Mr. Gates, 48, who...

2004-01-25 08:56:00


Concept 小妹媚 你問何為現在? 我想若時間是不斷流逝的話, 對一般人來說”現在”大約是current moment的前後八秒. 在這八秒中我們需要很快的Store起剛剛發生的事物. 而Store的方式非常有趣, 大部分我們所Stored...

2003-09-30 09:12:31
2003-09-22 16:44:51

轉載 如何創造

一個為煩惱所困的人, 他的心理狀態呈現了很多複雜的層面, 但卻代表了同樣的意義. 他總是生活在矛盾中, 他無法容忍命運的安排, 卻又無法躲避, 超越. 他很少和內心真正的自己交談, 他沒有發現所以困惑的真正原因是他...

2003-09-08 11:50:06


老師讓同學回家後寫一篇有關國家、黨、社會和人民的作文。 小明不理解這些詞的含義,就去問爸爸。 爸爸告訴他:國家是最大的,就像你奶奶。 黨是最有權利的,是一家之主,就像我。 社會就是為黨和國家幹...

2003-09-04 12:48:13
2003-09-04 12:43:34


法師說 人生可以盡情的去嘗試 但心中要明白自己想要的是什麼 才不會迷失自我

2003-09-04 12:37:38
2003-09-04 12:34:45
2003-07-15 15:13:30

Helen U.S trip

I like this photo, it's very well taken I think.

2003-06-19 14:07:34
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