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【美國原裝】St. Dalfour Organic Bla

< type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "brand", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "bestRating": 5, "worstRating": 1, "ratingCount": 167 , "ratingValue": 4.7 }, "image": "https://www.images-iherb.com/v/STD-96814-3.jpg", "name": "St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)"}床的世界>髮旺旺

食品百貨茶草藥-St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)

或許大家都聽過St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)但印象中St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)平時是不打折的無痕褲床的世界但是今天告訴你買St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)到這裡買可以使用折價券買St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)而且宅配到府完全不用搬St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!

食品百貨茶草藥St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)折價券,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)哪裡買,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)哪裡有,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)新光三越,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)大遠百,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)板橋遠百,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)麗寶百貨,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)家樂福,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)大潤發,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)全聯,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)宅配,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)台中大遠百,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)新竹巨城,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)台茂,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)宜蘭,St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)忠孝東路都亞說負變局共黨連美、力住沒以思;又客次故員增親前希人和!

如果你還在考慮St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)這個商品的話我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買就可以囉~~

  • Premium
  • Individually Sealed in Envelopes
  • 髮旺旺
  • Control IMO Institute For Marketecology
  • UDSA Organic
  • Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth
Certified, pure organic Ceylon tea. Selected and blended under the direction of the tea experts of St. Dalfour France. Enhanced by the all natural flavor of black cherry.

St. Dalfour Organic Tea

The St. Dalfour tea experts have searched the best tea producing areas in the world which are located in the Himalayas of India and the high ground of Ceylon. After careful screening, they have selected pristine tea gardens where no preservatives or chemicals are used. In these gardens master planters nurture tea bushes with natural organic biomass and loving care. Only these gardens are use for St. Dalfour tea.

Since tea is made directly from tea leaves plucked on a continuous basis during harvest (and these tea leaves are not washed), it is vitally important to make certain these leaves are 髮旺旺free of any chemicals. Be confident of having pure, wholesome tea when buying St. Dalfour.

Each tea bag is individually sealed to preserve freshness and flavor.

Organic Certification

St. Dalfour Black Cherry Tea is certified for all natural, organic and pure production in accord with the EEC Regulation 834/2007 and the production and handling requir髮旺旺ements of the National Organic Program by the I.M.O. (Institut fur Marktokologie Institut D'Ecocommerce) of Switzerland, and International Organic Certification Group.

St. Dalfour Tea - Healthy Packaging

  1. Each tea bag is individually sealed in en envelope to preserve its fresh, natural flavor.
  2. The tea bags are made with eco-friendly paper. No chemicals (which would alter the taste of the tea) touch the tea bag.
  3. The tea bag is attached to the tag by a pure, sanitized string without the use of metal staples. Thus, no metallic taste is found in the tea.
  4. The tea is packaged in air controlled, immaculate chamber which prevents any impurities affecting the taste of the tea.
All Natural Ingredients:

Organic Ce髮旺旺ylon tea with the all natural flavor of black cherry.

St. Dalfour, Organic, Black Cherry Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)



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台長: dvmecwr4w0
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