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2004-01-06 20:40:29| 人氣61| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

New Year, A Happy New Year?

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Another year!

Rarely would I feel sentimental about new year when I was small as I was young. Those days still seemed like yesterday when I am going to be 30 in 7 days. How much I don't want to grow up at this moment. To many people, they might want to celebrate the day when they turn 30 but I am just not one of them. I got nothing to celebrate except earning peanuts, being gay and have nothing in my bank account!

Am I still very immature? I don't know but I hate myself. I hate myself of not being successful, making peanuts, still holding a junior position and being gay!

Sometimes I wish I would be just "normal" and have nothing but the bad thing is I am "abnormal" and also have nothing!

台長: 唱歌人
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