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2004-10-29 12:37:57| 人氣72| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A vision of Red Sea

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Last night, while I was lying on the bed, a vision came into my mind - Moses leading the Israelites to cross the red sea.

When this picture came in, I immediately understood what God wants me to see. Lots of times in life, we face bottleneck of everything - e.g. finance,relationship, studies, job etc, and there are no ways for us to turn back,these bottlenecks are just like the Red Sea that slows down everyone of us.We get frightened,nervous,feeling that we're all alone just like the Israelites of that time. But, God asked Moses to stretch out his stick so that the Red Sea will open up and that the people can cross. When I saw this vision, I know when God wants me to have faith in Him that He can provide me with everything, esp. a good result and a good job,and a direction from Him of where I shall be, only if I would just be like Moses to believe that He will do all things to me, and I will stretch out my stick and put my legs into the water, the Red Sea will immediately open up!

Another concept came to me at the nite is: when you are facing difficulties, be strong and have courage to face the battle.Have faith in Lord, because He will make the "Red Sea" to work for you, just like He made the "Red Sea" to open up into two walls and let the Israelites pass through!

Lord, I just want to thank you for letting me seeing this vision, and the words that came into me from this old bible story. And, heavenly Father, thank you for showing me that the stories are not just stories, but they're the rhema from you to help us - all Christians to know Your will, Your desire, Your teaching, and Your encouragement to us. Thank you Jesus, and I'll bless You forever and ever! Hallelujah! In Jesus' name, Amen!

p/s: the picture shown is the crossing site of the Israelites, from http://www.pilgrimpromo.com/WAR/

My Chinese software is down, so, I have to write in English. SOrry!

台長: dolphin21
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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