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2003-08-24 23:39:27| 人氣464| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

In the Rain

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Dear Rohana:

This time to Carmel, I found many things interesting that I haven't found during last trips.
For the artist Michael Flohr, his paintings definitely are the most amazing discovery of my journey.

Please kindly keep me informed of update information if possible.

Using the free time of my business trip in California, I am now a frequent visitor to Carmel.

I look forward to visiting Carmel again and dropping by your gallery soon.

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Rohana LoSchiavo
Subject: Flohr paintings your requested

Dear Kryzsdoff,
It was a pleasure to meet you at Phillips Gallery in Carmel. As promised, here are the two paintings by Michael Flohr which you are interested in;

In the Rain 30x48 USD$7,800
Late Night Diner 24x24 USD$5,200

I will also send you additional images of original paintings as they are available. Because of the cost of shipping to Taiwan we can take the painting out of the frame and roll the canvas and ship in a tube to you.

I look forward to hearing from you and being of assistance to you in acquiring an exciting painting by the celebrated artist Michael Flohr.

Rohana LoSchiavo
Phillips Gallery
P O Box 5807
Carmel CA 93921

後記: 知道為什麼我這麼喜歡這幅畫嗎?
在這城市的一角 默默的展開…

PS: 有關 Michael Flohr 的介紹 http://www.signaturefineart.com/id49.html
PS: 附圖“In the Rain”是Michael Flohr 2003年的新作. 相信我~ 他以後一定是個不得了的畫家!


台長: Kryzsdoff
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