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2018-05-24 16:50:31| 人氣6| 回應0 | 下一篇
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今年93歲高齡的John B. Cobb,Jr 柯佈博士,是當代著名的生態經濟學傢、過程哲學傢、建設性後現代主義的領軍人物;美國中美後現代發展研究院院長;西方世界最早提出“綠色GDP”的思想傢之一。

今年93歲高齡的John B. Cobb,Jr 柯佈博士,是當代著名的生態經濟學傢、過程哲學傢、建設性後現代主義的領軍人物;美國中美後現代發展研究院院長;西方世界最早提出 綠色GDP 的思想傢之一。


Happy New Year to one and all!


New Year is a time of looking both ways.


January is named after Janus, who is well known for looking in two directions.


So as we begin a new year, let us think a little bit about the year that has just passed.


In some ways, it has been a very discouraging year for those of us who care about the future of life on this planet.


But in other ways, there is much to be hopeful for.


The failure of governments, especially the US government to give any leadership whatever in the right direction, has led in the United States, and I think more broadly around the world, to many people even as individuals feeling they must take some responsibility, they must be the actors.


And its not just individuals, it's the mayors of city, and the governors of states, and the leaders of provinces.


We should not fail to notice that many businesses have also committed themselves to action in the right direction.


All of that may not amount too much, it maybe that the only thing that could save us would be new laws, command from above.


But I would like to think that if masses of people around the world decide that last year there were many good beginnings, and in 2018 they are going to carry the flag forward, they are going to make it happen.


I shouldn t say they, I am talking about We. We are going to make it happen.

我不該說 他們 。我是說 我們 。我們將實現它!

Then perhaps, people will look back to 2017, 2018 as the really turning, the real turn from the drift towards self-destruction, towards humanity seizing the situation in its own hands, human beings everywhere, and saying we are not going to be simply sheep led to the slaughter, we are going to be real human beings who think for ourselves and act for ourselves, and determine to pass on a planet to our children, one that is habitable, one that can give joy and meaning to life.


Let us make 2018 a great year!


台長: dhtff15975
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